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Philippine MassageMassageShould You Tip ...

Should You Tip by Hour or Session for Massages in the Philippines?

AuthorFeianmo   Date2023-04-15   Categorymassage

If you're traveling to the Philippines and planning on getting a massage, one question that may cross your mind is how to tip for the service. Should you tip by hour or session? Here are some factors to consider when making your decision.

First, it's important to understand that there is no set standard for tipping in the Philippines. Tipping is generally appreciated, but it is not mandatory. If you choose to tip, the amount you give is up to you.

When it comes to tipping for massages, the most common practice is to tip by session rather than by hour. This is because the rate for a massage in the Philippines is typically set for the entire session, rather than by the hour.

For example, if a massage session is advertised as 60 minutes, the rate quoted will be for the entire 60 minutes, regardless of whether the massage actually lasts the full hour or not. In this case, it makes sense to tip based on the session rate rather than by the hour.

Another factor to consider is the quality of service you receive. If you receive exceptional service, you may want to consider tipping more generously. On the other hand, if the service is poor, you may choose not to tip at all.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to tip by hour or session is up to you. If you prefer to tip by hour, you can certainly do so, but keep in mind that it may not be the customary practice in the Philippines.

In summary, tipping for massages in the Philippines is generally appreciated but not mandatory. The most common practice is to tip by session rather than by hour, as the rate for a massage is typically set for the entire session. However, the decision of how much to tip ultimately depends on the quality of service you receive and your personal preference.